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Is Arthritis Causing Your Knee Pain?

Nagging knee pain affecting your movement and life? It is important to identify the cause of your aches and pains. There are some of the known types of arthritis that are common causes of knee pain. Read more here about common knee pain and treatments available.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This condition is autoimmune and can impact anyone joint including the knee joint at any stage in their lives. The disease is said to be chronic, and it tends to vary in its severity and impact. The situation can affect anybody parts or joints. It sometimes is related to osteoarthritis or knee inflammation; however, the results of such knee issues remain the same. The condition may arise due to the immunity situation of the body and probably not due to body degeneration because of age.


This is called the most common form of arthritis among people and is also called degenerative arthritis. It occurs with old age due to increasing wear and tear of the body parts knee. Normally the cartilage in the knee starts getting worn out with time. The friction between the knee increases when the lubricant fluid (synovial) dries up at a certain age. The thinning or loss of the cartilage leads to increased friction between the knees.

When the protection layer provided by the cartilage decreases, the bone structure can swell up and cause harm to the knee leading to pain. If knee pain treatment is not done at the appropriate age, it can cause permanent knee injury with intense pain and deformity. Normal life functions like walking, climbing, and standing become difficult.


This condition is occasionally confused with gout. It is caused by calcium like crystals formed in the joint fluid. Knee joint are the most common muscles impacted by the pseudogout and come up with normal signs like inflammation. Sometimes the uric acid level is also elevated.


It happens when uric acid crystals are formed within the joints. People tend to experience gout in their big toes, but sometimes it also happens in the knee. When the uric acid level rises, it accumulated, and inflammation leads to knee pain. The knee becomes swelled up and turns red. The situation becomes difficult when you do some activities like bending, extending or even lying.

Septic Arthritis

Sometimes the knee simply becomes red, swelled up and thus gets infected. In case your knee gets red, and you are suffering from fever, you might be suffering from septic arthritis. The most common indication of the condition if the occurrence of fever with as such no traumatic situation. Knee cartilage can be most impacted by the condition. You need to check with the doctor in case you are suffering from septic arthritis.

Once the cause of the knee pain has been diagnosed, you need to immediately see the doctor because if left untreated, pain can reach the other body parts as well. If knee pain treatment due to septic arthritis is not done at the appropriate stage, that body part may need to be amputated.


Some of the knee pain is related to age while others are linked with wrong body posture and irregular bend. You first need to check the probable causes behind the issue and find the best knee pain treatment after consultation with the specialist.